Monday, September 20, 2010


FUBU is a clothing company. It includes casual wear, sports wear, a suit collection, eyewear, belts, and shoes for the African-American community in the sense of economic investment but not to be exclusively worn by African Americans. The name is sometimes considered a backronym for "For Us By Us", implying the product line was produced for a primarily African-American market. The original meaning of FUBU was 'Five Urban Brothers United' but the 'For us, by us' line later took root as the clothing line expanded.The company was founded in 1992 by Daymond John with a line of hats made in his house in Hollis, Queens, New York. According to the company website, John mortgaged his own home for $100,000 and with that seed money he and his three friends Carl Brown, J. Alexander Martin, and Keith Perrin, turned half of his house into a factory and the other half into living space.FUBU staff started the company for their local youth community. The founders intended to compete with sportswear companies such as Nike, Inc., then make products from the feedback. FUBU felt that Nike was profiting from the authenticity of New York street fashion without giving enough back to the African American communityIn targeting city youth and defining their competitors this way, although some people of other backgrounds wear their clothing[. FUBU insists they are not intentionally exclusive, and their marketing targets all people.


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